The Goose’s Quill Press presents….
The Warren Family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and their Ancestors
A fully-sourced genealogy book of the Warren family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Complete with photos, tree charts, family Bible entries, and nationality charts. It also features Name, Place, and Cemetery & Church Indices for easy cross-reference.
The Warren family tree is online and also fully sourced.
Surnames in the Warren book:
Abbott, Akett/Akeit, Albright, Archer, Arleth, Arnold, Ashton, Atkins, Atkinson, Avery, Balliet, Banks, Barnard, Bates, Bauer Hesler, Beach, Bean, Beansher, Beaty, Bellwoar, Birchard, Bishop, Blancy, Bradley, Brady, Breinig, Brewster, Briggs, Bright, Brooks, Broom, Brubaker, Bryan, Buchanan, Calhoun, Cameron, Castle, Cawnsby, Clark/Clarke, Clegg, Collins, Cordray/Cowdrey, Crozier, Culver, Cummings, Currie, Denge, Derrick, Devlin, DeWolf, Diamond, Diemer, Doane/Donne, Donovan, Drew, Drummond, Ebsen, Edwards, Elcock, Ellis, Elton, Ewing, Ferguson, Fitzgerald, Forman, Foster, Friend, Gallagher, Gallaut/Garwood, Gallop, Gans/Gantz, Garlick, Gegan, Gibbon, Godshall, Gondolf, Goodwin, Grant, Gray, Griffith, Guest, Guitteau, Hall, Hamer, Hammond, Harris, Henderson, Henry, Herting, Hesler, Heugh, Hobson, Holmes, Hope, Hopkins, Hough, Howse/House, Huhn, Jackson, Jacob, Janney, Jarrett, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kain, Kaiser, Kennedy, Kerr, King, Kinsey, Kite, Kromer, Kuhn, Lathrop, Lauley, Leaming, Leinau, Lesesne, Leslie, Levy, Lewis, Livingston, Long, Lovejoy, Lowdon, Lowers, Ludlum, Machmer, Madden, Manship, Mathews, McCall, McCarter, McDease, McDonough, McFarlin, McGinnis, McGuire, McHugh, McIntyre, McKestry, McNair, Mead, Mifflin, Minor, Moffot, Moore, Morrow, Moss, Munick, Murray, Nagle, Naylor, Nichols, Nitzky, Nolan, Nyce, Oates, Orr, Ott, Page, Parham, Pattison, Paullin, Peck, Pettit, Pilmore, Pitman, Plum, Post, Rafert, Ragan, Reed, Reeves, Regan, Rhawn, Robinson, Rone, Rowood, Royce/Royse, Schillinger, Schmidt, Schumacher, Scott, Scudder, Sellars, Seward, Sexton, Shannon, Sheppard, Smith, Sockwell, Sorrell, Souder, Soumelion, Spencer, Spooner, Springer, Steele, Stevens, Stites, Stone, Stote, Strubing, Stuart, Swartz, Taylor, Terrell, Thomas, Thompson, Todd, Trexler, Tunis, Tyler, Ufford, Underhill, Von Steuben, Wakeman, Walen, Wallace, Ward, Warren, Washington, Watson, Watt, Watts, Waugh, Wausborough, Webb, Wastcott, Wickham/Wykham, Williams, Wills, Wilshire, Wilson, Winck, Wink, Winthrop, Wistar, Witz, Woodside, Wooldridge, Wright, Young, Zimmerman.
The Campbell Family of New York City, New York and their Ancestors
After Donald Campbell sailed from Scotland to New York in 1886, he met fellow Scottish immigrant Isabella Morrison and, along with Irish immigrants Patrick Sutton and Mary Hayden, founded a branch of the Campbell tree in the United States. From shepherds to Vikings, carpenters to kings, the Campbell family’s history is deep and varied. Wanderlust was in their blood: they braved the unknown, crossing from Scotland and Ireland in the late 1800s to make their home in New York City. Starting over in the strange new world of Manhattan, they endured tragedy and loss, building a family that still thrives today. Encompassing both epic adventures and quiet Long Island suburban life, this is the Campbell family’s story.
This fully-sourced book reflects 20 years of research into the Campbell genealogy. All documentation is cited, and family trees and photographs make connections clear and bring the people on the page to life.
Surnames in the Campbell book:
Angus, Auld, Babkowska, Barclay, Barlow/Berclay, Beaufort, Bergin, Byrnes, Campbell, Clark, Cleary, Comyn, Corbet, Cuttle, Davy, De Brus, De Clare, De Dreux, De Fenton, De Hesdin, De Molla, De Mortimer, De Roskelyn, De Senlis, De Warrenne, Douglas, Downie, Drummond, Dukes of Normandy, Earls of Strathearn, Elphinstone, English Royalty: Saxon Dynasty & Continental Dynasty (Norman Kings, Plantagenet Kings, Tudor Kings, York Kings); Fell, Fortier, French Royalty, Gibb, Gordon, Gorman, Hackett, Halyburton, Hassenteufel, Hayden, Hepburn, Ironside, Jarls of Orkney, Keith, Kennedy, MacDonald, MacIntosh, MacKay, MacKenzie, MacLeod, MacNeil, Maher, Matthew, Maunsell, McDonald, McIntosh, McKay, McLeod, McNicholl, Menninger, Miller, Milne, Moles, Morison, Morrison, Munro, Mure, Murray, Murry, Neville, O’Beolan, O’Cahan, Ord, Rankin, Robson, Rochel, Ross, Russell, Ryan, Scottish Royalty: Kings of Dalriada, MacAlpin Dynasty & Stewart Dynasty; Sinclair, Smith, St. Clair, Stagbrellir, Stewart, Sutherland, Sutton, Vetter, Waldron, Weir, Wood, Woodville.