Last week was my daughter’s Spring Break, this week we are
back to “school” as usual. Her school made a change over break, with 4
structured days (alternating Math and Language Arts focus) and then using
Friday as a catch-up or free-choice study day, as needed. I think this will
work really well.
I know some people are complaining about the amount of work
their kids are getting with remote learning. Speaking only for my own
experience, my daughter’s teachers have gotten it perfect. We have been remote
learning since March 16th, and they have been refining as they go. Daily work
takes a couple of hours, which is what experts say is right for my daughter’s
age and grade. Her teacher has a GoogleMeet chat with the kids every school day
so she can check in with them, answer questions, and go over new material. I am
very pleased with the experience, so far.
This weekend, I successfully picked up groceries at my local
store, and it went smoothly. Didn’t get all I wanted, but got all we needed,
and that is good enough for me. Will try and snag another pickup time for two
weeks from now.
Emotionally, I am up and down. The past few days have been
good, but today has been hard. I am sad, and angry, and frightened. Sad for the
people who are truly being hurt in the lockdown that our federal government
refuses to help. Angry at the protestors so willing to put other people in
danger for their own convenience. (“I need a haircut”? Really? Buy some
scissors. “Sacrifice the Weak”? How very Christian of you. How very pro-life of
you.) And frightened because the news of the virus is not good, and the
premature reopening of states is going to cause a terrible second wave when we
have not yet emerged from the first.
I am not in a creative place today, so doubt I will write,
even though I know exactly what scene I want to work on next. Instead I will
keep my family close, snuggle with my daughter when I put her to bed, be
thankful we have survived another day healthy and together, and wait for the
sun to rise on a new day.
Back to the Routine – Lockdown Day 40
Last week was my daughter’s Spring Break, this week we are back to “school” as usual. Her school made a change over break, with 4 structured days (alternating Math and Language Arts focus) and then using Friday as a catch-up or free-choice study day, as needed. I think this will work really well.
I know some people are complaining about the amount of work their kids are getting with remote learning. Speaking only for my own experience, my daughter’s teachers have gotten it perfect. We have been remote learning since March 16th, and they have been refining as they go. Daily work takes a couple of hours, which is what experts say is right for my daughter’s age and grade. Her teacher has a GoogleMeet chat with the kids every school day so she can check in with them, answer questions, and go over new material. I am very pleased with the experience, so far.
This weekend, I successfully picked up groceries at my local store, and it went smoothly. Didn’t get all I wanted, but got all we needed, and that is good enough for me. Will try and snag another pickup time for two weeks from now.
Emotionally, I am up and down. The past few days have been good, but today has been hard. I am sad, and angry, and frightened. Sad for the people who are truly being hurt in the lockdown that our federal government refuses to help. Angry at the protestors so willing to put other people in danger for their own convenience. (“I need a haircut”? Really? Buy some scissors. “Sacrifice the Weak”? How very Christian of you. How very pro-life of you.) And frightened because the news of the virus is not good, and the premature reopening of states is going to cause a terrible second wave when we have not yet emerged from the first.
I am not in a creative place today, so doubt I will write, even though I know exactly what scene I want to work on next. Instead I will keep my family close, snuggle with my daughter when I put her to bed, be thankful we have survived another day healthy and together, and wait for the sun to rise on a new day.