October is always a crazy month for me. Lots of personal milestones in there. My parents’ wedding anniversary—50 years this year!—as well as my own. My daughter’s birthday (and the requisite party) and of course Halloween and its constellation of activities: pumpkin picking, hayrides, bonfires, trunk or treat, and school parties.
Oh, and I am running for the local school board, and elections are November 5th.
So I’m always a bit busy in October.
But October is also smack in the middle of book event season, and I have 3 events in the next 3 weeks:
October 5th: Collingswood Book Festival, 9 am – 4 pm, Collingswood, NJ

October 12th: Indie Author Day, Galloway Library, 1 pm-3pm, Galloway, NJ

October 20th: VPL FanCon 2019, Vineland Library, 11 am-4 pm, Vineland, NJ

Whew! That is one packed month!
How is your October shaping up?