
Someday I will not have a beach in my living room.

Someday this beach will be gone

Someday I will not have a panda village in my family room.

Someday this panda village will be gone

Someday I will not have a spy fort in my bedroom.

Someday this spy fort will be gone

Someday I will not have a campfire next to my piano.

Someday this campfire will be gone

Someday I will not have a doll village next to the entertainment unit.

Someday this dollhouse will be gone

Someday I will not have an office fort in my office.

Someday this office fort will be gone


Someday my daughter will no longer say “amn’t I?” instead of “aren’t I?”

Someday her front teeth will grow in.

Someday she will not hug me so tightly she hurts my neck.

Someday she will not glow with excitement when she finds Orion’s Belt in the stars.

Someday she will not pause with wonder at the first flower of spring.

Someday she will not tell me I am “the best mommy in the history of the Earth.”

So even though I long for the “someday” when my house is clean, when my days as a chauffeur are over, and when my daughter stops asking her incessant questions, most days I cuddle her ever-lengthening body as close to me as I can, and wish time would stop, because…

Someday there will be a fear I cannot abate.

Someday there will be a tear I cannot wipe away.

Someday there will be a hurt I cannot heal.

Someday there will be a situation I cannot protect her from.

Someday there will be a grief I cannot comfort.

Someday she will need me…and I will not be there.

So I wish for time to stop. And I whisper for her to not grow up so fast. Because she will soon enough.






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