
  1. It’s all a matter of semantics, as to the “author” title. One can be a writer who is paid for his or her craft, and not considered an author. I run an essay writing business and am paid for my work. I’ve also been paid a small amount for articles in a local newspaper. Am I an author or a writer? I think of an author as someone who gets substantial royalties from writing a book and publishing it through traditional means rather than self publishing. By this definition, I’m still not an author. Nothing wrong with the “writer” title though. I’d be interested in seeing other thoughts on this. I have a feeling this definition is not set in stone.

    Congratulations, Kerry, for getting your short story published. That’s quite an accomplishment; you should be really proud about this milestone!


    • Thanks, Rich. No, there is nothing wrong with “writer” – I will always be a writer! I think there might be as many definitions of author as there are writers out there.

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