This past weekend I wrapped up my event schedule for 2018 with the New Jersey Association of School Librarians’ Conference. I was only able to be in the Authors’ Alley for one day of the three day conference, as usual, but I enjoy putting in an appearance.
Sunday was a misty day, not a great beach day. This was the first year the conference has been in December, so I got to see the conference center decked out for the holidays. Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I love the decorations (although nor before Thanksgiving, please!).
For the first time in my 4 years attending the conference, I was on the upper level of Authors’ Alley. It was a bit warm up there, so we propped open the door to the balcony to get the cool ocean breeze swirling in. We had a good view of the ocean from up there, when the fog lifted enough to see it. The waves were large and I could have watched, mesmerized, for hours.
NJASL holds a special place in my heart. It was the very first book event I did after my book The Witch of Zal came out in 2015. I was terrified, but my friend and tablemate Donna Galanti showed me the ropes. Plus, all the librarians are enthusiastic and interested, and that love of books is infectious. NJASL is one of my favorite events, and I hope to perhaps be on a panel next year to expand my experience there.
I have heard that the NJASL 2019 will be at a different location, so onward to new things for all of us! I will be back next year.
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