It’s Book Fair time again! And this year it’s Dino-mite!
The first half of the Fair is usually the most hectic in my school. All the classes come in and browse the books so they know what they want when they return later in the week. The middle schoolers take care of themselves, but the younger grades make Wish Lists to take home for their parents to look at.
The Kindergarteners need lots of help with the Wish Lists, as many can’t read or write well yet. Some first graders need help, some don’t. Some just need help reading the titles that are in fancy or cursive fonts. Some kids need help finding the price on some books. And then there was the child who handed me a book and said, “Can you write this for me? The title is too long.”
By 2nd grade most kids are able to do the lists themselves and we only have to make sure they are including all the necessary information. There’s also a shift in the lengths of the lists in 2nd grade. While the little kids would put every book the see on the list, the 2nd graders are more discerning. They know the type of books they like, and often will read the back cover blurbs before deciding if they want to put it on their list.
We’ve gotten through the most hectic part of the week, and now comes the fun part–seeing the kids’ faces light up when they buy their books and realize they can take them home to keep.
In our school all of the money made at the book fair funds the library, allowing them to buy new books, repair machines, and other library needs. It is the only funding for these items that they have, so the Book Fair is not only fun for the kids but plays a vital role in keeping the library fresh and interesting.
Book Fair Spring 2019
It’s Book Fair time again! And this year it’s Dino-mite!
The first half of the Fair is usually the most hectic in my school. All the classes come in and browse the books so they know what they want when they return later in the week. The middle schoolers take care of themselves, but the younger grades make Wish Lists to take home for their parents to look at.
The Kindergarteners need lots of help with the Wish Lists, as many can’t read or write well yet. Some first graders need help, some don’t. Some just need help reading the titles that are in fancy or cursive fonts. Some kids need help finding the price on some books. And then there was the child who handed me a book and said, “Can you write this for me? The title is too long.”
By 2nd grade most kids are able to do the lists themselves and we only have to make sure they are including all the necessary information. There’s also a shift in the lengths of the lists in 2nd grade. While the little kids would put every book the see on the list, the 2nd graders are more discerning. They know the type of books they like, and often will read the back cover blurbs before deciding if they want to put it on their list.
We’ve gotten through the most hectic part of the week, and now comes the fun part–seeing the kids’ faces light up when they buy their books and realize they can take them home to keep.
In our school all of the money made at the book fair funds the library, allowing them to buy new books, repair machines, and other library needs. It is the only funding for these items that they have, so the Book Fair is not only fun for the kids but plays a vital role in keeping the library fresh and interesting.
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