The Irony of Christmas Peace

The Christmas season is my favorite time of year. It’s not the gifts, it’s just something in the air. A joy, a residual magic that lingers from childhood.

When I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do was crawl in between the tree and our schrank and read by the lights of the tree. Secluded and bathed in the colored lights, it was a quiet time to bask in contentment.

An irony of the Christmas season is that while we wish peace on earth to everyone, we are often running around stressed, and peace is hard to find. As an adult, if we have a partner, we often juggle multiple family obligations, and if we are parents there’s a whole other level of Christmas crazy. If you are also a classic introvert, like me, the constant rounds of parties, dinners, and gatherings, while enjoyable, exhausts your inner resources.

So I hope this season you can find some peace, some time to relax and recharge.

I wish everyone peace and joy during this season and all year round. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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