And The Stockings Were Hung—CoronaLife Day 285

You are reading this on Christmas Eve, but I wrote it on Christmas Eve Eve. We are rolling into the holiday, and for once I am actually on top of things. Well, my Christmas cards only just arrived today, so they will not go out until after Christmas, but it’s actually pretty normal for me to not have them go out before Christmas, so I’m not concerned. I figure it just helps extend the Christmas season, LOL.

The presents are wrapped and under the tree. Our little family is tucked in tight against the coronavirus. Our Christmas dinner is in the fridge waiting to be cooked. Cookies will be made sometime on Christmas Eve.

We got to see the great conjunction tonight. A few days past its prime, but we had clouds the last two nights. We got out the binoculars and the telescope and saw the pretty sight until a bank of clouds rolled over them. But I am content that we saw it, even for a short time. There is a beauty in the dance of the stars that removes you from the cares of this world.

Christmas is my favorite holiday, and even this year I am feeling a bit of peace. I often stop and admire the tree, which I think we got just right this year. My family, although not all together, is all healthy and safe. My mom-in-law has been with us since before Thanksgiving so we could all celebrate together safely. And we have been incredibly lucky to escape the economic fallout of this pandemic, as we had the ability to work from home.

2020 has not been kind to a lot of people, and my Christmas wish is for them to find peace and the help they need to get back on their feet. To those grieving a lost loved one, I hope they find comfort. And I hope all of us find a truly happier, healthier year in 2021.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all.

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