Closing in on the Finish–CoronaLife Day 950

I did get the writing time I had hoped for last week, and made good progress. I currently have 47 pages of the original manuscript left to get through.

This week was busy, with Board of Ed work as well as other volunteer work taking up much of my time. But I do hope to get at least one more writing session in before next week. Probably not enough to finish the revision, but close.

Next week, I have a conference Monday through Wednesday, so no writing those days.

My goal, however, is to have this revision done by the end of October. Then I can read through this version for continuity and tweaks.

What then? Then I will put it aside while I read a book on writing craft that my editor suggested because she felt it addresses the main problem I am having with the manuscript.

Once I have read that book and absorbed its wisdom, I will return to Veritas and apply any lessons learned as needed.

After another read through for polishing, I will likely be ready to have my editor look st it again.

A slow process, this, but this revision was a monster to tackle. I am willing to take the time to try and get it right–because I don’t want to have to do this level of revision again.

For me, I am happily coming to the end of my revision, as well as the end of another hectic October.

How is your autumn so far?

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