
My services include manuscript/developmental editing, line and copyediting, proofreading, and project management. Below I provide a brief explanation of the various types of edits available.

Manuscript/developmental edit: Focusing on large structural issues, character and plot development, narrative and voice, and plot holes. A large-scale edit performed with an eye on the manuscript as a whole. Should chapter 23 actually be moved to the beginning of the book? Does Character #1 ever grow and change or does he stay stagnant and is that the point? Is there an overall structure that makes logical sense?

Line edit: Focusing closely on paragraphs and lines within them and how they work together. Are there successful transitions between paragraphs? Are there transitions at all? Does each sentence support and flow with the next?

Copyedit and/or Proofreading, pre-production: Focusing on diction and some grammar. Are you using the best words and strongest language? Are your styles consistent throughout the manuscript (i.e., are numbers spelled out versus appearing as numerals)? Are any words missing? Are any words misspelled?

Proofreading: Typically performed after a manuscript has been typeset (ready to become a hard copy book), proofreading focuses on the typographical elements of the manuscript, including ensuring page numbers appear where they are supposed to, words break where they should, spacing is consistent, and, of course, that all words have been spelled correctly.

Other Services:

Many of my clients are writers who need me to serve as a publishing consultant to help them navigate the processes manuscripts undergo to become a reality—however that reality manifests.

I also work as an editorial project manager, shepherding manuscripts through the editorial/production/printer/publishing process. Simply put, I help transform your pages into a book, regardless of the form that book takes. I perform or manage all editorial responsibilities (developmental edit, line edit, proofreading, etc.); coordinate all design aspects (jacket/cover, interior design, etc.); and, if needed, manage the printing process (obtaining quotes, ensuring the book files are delivered, etc.).

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