First, because I know you are all waiting breathlessly, Zippy the fish is still alive as of this writing. I’m still keeping a close eye on the ammonia levels, and changing out water a couple of times a day, but it’s fairly stable.
Second, I am deep cleaning my house. No, not because of COVID exposure–because it badly needs it. It has been bugging me for a while now, but I haven’t had the motivation to actually embark on what seemed an insurmountable project.
I am not the neatest person in the world. (My mother will snort diet Pepsi out her nose when reading that understatement.) I am MUCH neater than I was when I was younger, mostly out of necessity. (When you reach a certain age, having specific places for things cuts down on the “where-did-I-put-that” moments.) I keep up with the must-cleans—bathrooms, kitchen, laundry. You know. But the rest of my house can go a while between good scrubbings. We are far from filthy, but I will not be winning any Good Housekeeping awards. And with a child who somehow manages to leave a trail behind her everywhere she goes, it is a bit of a Sisyphean task to start with.
However, when properly motivated, I can get a lot done quickly. That motivation is usually in the form of a parental unit coming over. We are not doing a Thanksgiving gathering in the Year of COVID, but my mother-in-law will be coming up to stay with us until the New Year. (We are all quarantining for 14 days prior to her arrival.) Nothing like a visitor to make you see the dust on the unused surfaces and the stuff stashed in corners for you to sort through “later”. Well, later is now.
We got rid of several bags of stuff, with more to go. Rooms are neat, carpets are clean, surfaces are shiny. Did I get every nook and cranny? No. There’s always more to do. Every time you clean something, the thing next to it starts to look dirty. But it is miles ahead of where I was at the beginning of the week.
Decluttering and heavy cleaning has made me feel a bit better (psychologically—physically it has reminded me that I am approaching a certain milestone birthday). The one good thing about cleaning is that when you have finished a room, you have that instant gratification of a job well done. And you’d best take that gratification instantly, because the next minute someone tracks in a leaf particle or a dust bunny hops in or crumbs somehow magically appear.
I tackled this huge job by breaking it down into smaller jobs—one room a day. By making it manageable, I could break that mental barrier down and get started, get it done. I tend to do this with my writing, too. I tell myself to just do one chapter, whether it be drafting or editing. Makes it feel achievable. With the writing, I usually end up doing more than one chapter, once I start.
Not so much with the cleaning. 😉
Whatever task you are facing that seems huge this holiday season, break it into its component parts. Make each one manageable, and savor the victory of each piece completed. You’ll be done before you know it!
Thanksgiving 2020 – CoronaLife Day 257
The year 2020 has been brutal for a lot of people. The world is in a tailspin and division in America has never been higher. The pandemic has sickened millions and killed more than 268,000 people in the USA. Many people are out of work, facing food hardships and eviction in the middle of winter. This is a year most people will be thankful to forget.
Still, there are things to be thankful for in my life. My family is healthy, even if we are not together in the traditional way this Thanksgiving. We are secure in food supply and in our home. My daughter is able to attend school remotely, and therefore safely, even as COVID cases spike to levels higher than we saw at the beginning of the pandemic in March.
I am thankful for friends to help ride out the isolation, and the technology to keep friends and family close even when apart. I am thankful for the services that allow us to get food and other necessities delivered to our homes. I am thankful for the vast amount of entertainment at our fingertips to while away the hours. And I am thankful for stretches of good weather that allow us to get outside the house to exercise safely distanced from others.
I am thankful to the scientists who are swiftly accumulating knowledge about this coronavirus that we may better battle it, and who are working to get us safe and effective vaccines to end this nightmare. I am more grateful than words can say to the healthcare professionals who are shouldering the brunt of this burden while sacrificing so much. And I am thankful for all the citizens who are acting as firewalls as the virus burns through our country, wearing their masks properly, respectfully distancing, staying home whenever possible, and giving up so much to try and stem the viral tide.
I am thankful for all the goodness and kindness I have seen people doing in this horrid year. The sometimes small things that make a huge difference, such as shopping for an at-risk neighbor, working at food banks, and donating money to causes that help those in need.
That is what I am going to try to take away from 2020. The good that lies in the hearts of so many people. I don’t want to remember the vitriol and the hate and the fear. I want to remember the love.
For all that I have been jaded by a half-century on this planet, there’s still a part of me that wants to believe that in the end light drives out darkness and that love conquers all.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.